Morocco Guezzaz

Mohammed Guezzaz

Born:01-Oct-621962-10-01Football Referee Age: 61
Referee Since:1997
Referee FIFA Since:1999

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List of games of referee Mohammed Guezzaz

Games on database
    17-Nov-23Qualif WC fifa Group I - M.1Ghana 1:0 Madagascar 253
    04-Feb-06Africa Cup fifa Quarterfinals - M.4Cameroon 1:1 I. Coast

    21-Jan-06Africa Cup fifa Group B - M.1Cameroon 3:1 Angola

    18-Dec-05Club World Cup fifa Third place - M.3Ittihad 2:3 Saprissa 404
1     46453
    02-Jun-02World Cup fifa Group B - M.1Spain 3:1 Slovenia 353
1     28598
* Penalties given, not necessarily scored